Introducing: Veremark’s Instant Employment Report

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It goes without saying that background checks are vital to hiring, but while the outcome is essential, the waiting for results has always been a hindrance to a time-poor process. Typically, background checks have required anything from a few days to a few weeks to come through - and in an industry that needs efficiency and speed, the quicker the results, the better.

However, developments in technology and access to big data has seen these waits reduce more and more. Veremark’s latest product - the Instant Employment Report - has now facilitated results to come through immediately.

To keep up with departing employees and open roles, successful recruitment and hiring takes place in a short timespan. We recognise that HR professionals and hiring managers need to rely on software that supports this need for expediency - which is why we’ve introduced the Instant Employment Report.

While we’re delighted to launch the new service, it’s worth shedding light on why other checks can take a little more time.

How background checks work

Traditional background checks normally have a set process: 

  1. Candidate Consent: Prior to initiating the background check process, employers must obtain the candidate's consent to access their employment history and other relevant information.
  2. Data Collection: The background check provider gathers data from various sources, including public records, databases, and previous employers. This information is then cross-referenced and verified for accuracy.
  3. Verification: The authenticity of the candidate's employment history is verified through direct contact with past employers or designated verification services. This step helps ensure the reliability and integrity of the information included in the report.
  4. Compilation and Analysis: Once all relevant data has been collected and verified, it is compiled into a comprehensive report format. The report may include a summary of employment history, job responsibilities, performance evaluations, and any red flags or discrepancies identified during the verification process.
  5. Delivery to Employer: The completed Instant Employment Report is delivered to the employer through secure channels, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with data privacy regulations.

This has always created a bit of a bind for organisations: the longer the wait, the more likely the hiring process is pushed back. Skip the checking process, and risk pushing an unscreened stranger into your business - risking workplace safety and happiness as well as compliance rules.

As a result, some businesses choose their screening partners based on speed over other factors like cost and reputation. While this turnaround times are important - and a target that all screening companies try to minimise - this focus on speed can compromise other important aspects like customer support, compliance and security.

How background check results can be instant

But, with access to big data, there are now safe, efficient ways to get the information we need on candidates, without the long waits. Check results are coming through quicker than ever, and Veremark’s Instant Employment Report, for example, is the fastest way yet of getting information on the work history of a potential employee, verifying past employers and dates of employment, straightaway.

In the fast moving world of HR, this type of report is a crucial tool in speeding up an often time-consuming process, providing employers with rapid access to vital information about a candidate’s past employment.

Why are Instant Employment Reports so useful?

In a landscape beset by CV fraud, an Instant Employment Report is one of the quickest and easiest ways to ensure that the information you receive on your candidate is correct.

CV fraud, also known as resume fraud or embellishment, refers to the deliberate misrepresentation or exaggeration of qualifications, experiences, skills, or achievements on a candidate's curriculum vitae (CV) or resume. This deceptive practice can take various forms, including inflating job titles, fabricating academic credentials, falsifying employment dates, or claiming expertise in areas where proficiency is lacking.

An Instant Employment Report can help detect inaccuracies on a CV. Candidates may misrepresent their employment history by fabricating time spent at companies - and even working at companies themselves. It can also detect any suspicious gaps between roles that might not be explained on the CV.

The prevalence of CV fraud poses several dangers to both employers and the broader recruitment ecosystem:

Misallocation of Resources: Employers invest time, effort, and resources into screening and interviewing candidates based on misrepresented credentials, leading to wasted resources and missed opportunities to identify genuine talent.

Damage to Organisational Reputation: Hiring individuals based on fraudulent qualifications can tarnish an organisation's reputation and credibility, eroding trust among stakeholders, customers, and partners.

Compromised Performance and Productivity: Employees hired under false pretences may lack the necessary skills and competencies to perform their roles effectively, leading to decreased productivity, morale, and team cohesion.

Legal and Compliance Risks: Employers may face legal repercussions and compliance issues if fraudulent hires engage in misconduct, negligence, or breaches of trust that result in financial or reputational harm.

Erosion of Trust in the Hiring Process: CV fraud undermines the integrity of the recruitment process, eroding trust between employers and candidates and fostering scepticism among job seekers and employees.

Falsified Skills and Achievements: Candidates may embellish their skills, expertise, or accomplishments, such as claiming proficiency in software programs or languages they are unfamiliar with or exaggerating their contributions to past projects.

Concealment of Negative Information: Candidates may omit or downplay negative aspects of their professional background, such as gaps in employment, terminations, or disciplinary actions.

Why you need to run Instant Employment Reports from Veremark

Veremark’s Instant Employment Reports can minimise this risk by verifying information from payroll providers and tax reports. This mitigates the risk of hiring unsuitable candidates or exposing the organisation to liability.

On top of this, businesses benefit from the quicker turnaround times, enhancing the hiring process with quick and easy results garnered within seconds, not days. 

These reports also ensure 100% compliance with employment law and industry regulations within the specific sectors. Everyday, Veremark assists employers - wherever they are in the world - in fulfilling their legal and regulatory obligations related to background screening and prioritising confidentiality and security of sensitive information.

Organisations will always focus on speed - to stay competitive, to reach targets, to remain lean. Our latest product reflects this need, but it’s also important to consider that other aspects like aftercare and data handling. Fortunately, Veremark has a keen eye on all these areas. With a customer rating of 4.8/5, we ensure that organisations have screened candidates, are kept compliant and remain safe with our vault-like security.

Working with some of the world’s best workplaces, we recognise this heightened competition for talent and regulatory requirements. Our Instant Employment Reports play a critical role in ensuring an efficient and compliant background screening process - and empower you - the hirer - to make informed decisions, mitigate risks and uphold the integrity of your workforce.

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What background check do I need?

This depends on the industry and type of role you are recruiting for. To determine whether you need reference checks, identity checks, bankruptcy checks, civil background checks, credit checks for employment or any of the other background checks we offer, chat to our team of dedicated account managers.

Why should employers check the background of potential employees?

Many industries have compliance-related employment check requirements. And even if your industry doesn’t, remember that your staff have access to assets and data that must be protected. When you employ a new staff member you need to be certain that they have the best interests of your business at heart. Carrying out comprehensive background checking helps mitigate risk and ensures a safer hiring decision.

How long do background checks take?

Again, this depends on the type of checks you need. Simple identity checks can be carried out in as little as a few hours but a worldwide criminal background check for instance might take several weeks. A simple pre-employment check package takes around a week. Our account managers are specialists and can provide detailed information into which checks you need and how long they will take.

Can you do a background check online?

All Veremark checks are carried out online and digitally. This eliminates the need to collect, store and manage paper documents and information making the process faster, more efficient and ensures complete safety of candidate data and documents.

What are the benefits of a background check?

In a competitive marketplace, making the right hiring decisions is key to the success of your company. Employment background checks enables you to understand more about your candidates before making crucial decisions which can have either beneficial or catastrophic effects on your business.

What does a background check show?

Background checks not only provide useful insights into a candidate’s work history, skills and education, but they can also offer richer detail into someone’s personality and character traits. This gives you a huge advantage when considering who to hire. Background checking also ensures that candidates are legally allowed to carry out certain roles, failed criminal and credit checks could prevent them from working with vulnerable people or in a financial function.

Transform your hiring process

Request a discovery session with one of our background screening experts today.

10 Biggest Problems Recruiters Face and How to Overcome Them

What are the ten biggest problems recruiters face?

Recruitment is one of the most challenging processes a company faces, but if done well, it can pay off well in the long run. As the resignation wave rises, the competition for top talent will only intensify in the future.

In such a competitive recruitment landscape, the talent acquisition teams face many challenges in their hiring processes.

A recruiter plays a vital role in the entire recruitment process and is key to ensuring a good candidate experience. Moreover, he deals with each phase of the recruitment process, from attracting the most suitable candidates to screening, interview scheduling, final selection, and onboarding. Even though the most critical success criteria for a recruiter is to fill the open position within a minimum time, they also must ensure cordial relationships with candidates who have not been successful in enhancing the employer brand value of the company. A good recruiter can handle rejection gracefully and convert the denial into a fruitful relationship.

The recruiter has to give equal focus and effort to each stage of the recruitment process and move along with successful candidates until the onboarding stage. Moreover, they must confront challenges along the recruitment process, and the ten most significant problems they face are covered in this paper.

In this report, we discuss:

- Attracting the right talent

- Hiring efficiently

- Engaging quickly and warmly with qualified candidates

- Getting selected candidates on-boarding on time

- Recruiting accurately and fairly

- Ensuring diversity in hiring

- Meeting client briefs

- Value creation for the client

- Data-driven recruitment

- Create an efficient recruiting process

- Methods to overcome problems

- Creating a talent pipeline

- Upskilling and Reskilling Internal candidates

- Ensuring a good candidate experience for enhanced employer brand value

- Multiple tests to improve hiring accuracy

- Leverage multiple sourcing channels to diversify your candidate base

- Human Resource (HR) Technology Implementation

- Application Tracking System (ATS)

- Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Hiring

- Conversational AI for improved candidate experience

- Digital reference check and background verification

- Video Interviews

- Blockchain in hiring

The future of work is still in progress and it will continue to evolve as organisations adopt newer workplace models to meet emoloyee expectations. The remote work model, along with the great resignation wave, has made recruiter tasks challenging, as they have a limited talent pool from which to fill open positions.

The challenges will continue to persist as organisations must reimagine the future of work to overcome the challenge of this great resignation wave, and other changes in demand for improved candidate and employee experiences.

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